His mother was abigail, the daughter of nahash and sister of joab s mother zeruiah. We know asahel is buried in the tomb of his father in bethlehem 2 samuel 2. He led the commando party that captured jerusalem for david and as a reward was appointed commander in chief of the army. Bashsheba, uriahs wife, will become the mother of king solomon. This often provokes the children to wrath ephesians 6. Joab led the army into battle and devised military strategies.
In reality, he is demoting joab for the cruel way he killed absalom. Hence, amasa was a nephew of david, and cousin of joab, davids military. The murder of amasa sounds a climactic note in 2 samuel on the consequences of the abuse of. David guzik commentary on 2 samuel 14, where joab intercedes for. Saul visited a medium, the witch of endor, ordering her to bring up the spirit of samuel, on the eve of a great battle. Why did god discipline david after he took the census. The sword which falling out, as it seemed, casually, he supposed that joab intended only to put it into its scabbard, and therefore took no care to defend himself against the stroke so joab who now boldly resumed his former place, and marched in the head of the army. And the king said to the people, i also will surely go. So while joab had the city under siege, he put uriah at a place where he knew the strongest defenders were. Feb 27, 2019 the poignancy of the book of 2 samuel is that davids story is our own story. Samuel was born to hannah, a barren woman, after she prayed to god and eli the main priest also asked god to help her. In a war against the forces of ishbosheth, joab s brother asahel was killed by abner, the commander of ishbosheths armies. Abner agreed, however, he was eventually killed by davids commander, joab, who thought abner was a spy.
In fact, several contexts in 2 samuel link words with these meanings to the expression sons of zeruiah. Joabs life illustrates the disastrous results of having no source of direction outside of oneself. Absaloms defeat and death and david numbered the people who were with him, and set captains of thousands and captains of hundreds over them. His mother was haggith as recorded in the book of 2 samuel 3. This is one of the best gospel texts in the old testament. Joab s mother, zeruiah, is davids sister, and abigail is the other sister, who happens to be the mother of amasa 1 chronicles 2.
Daily bible reading a woman helps joab 2 samuel 20. Why do you want to swallow up the lords inheritance. A study of his interactions with david in 2 samuel marshall walter bts512. Indicative of this is a note in the masora showing that words in first samuel, chapter 28 one of the concluding chapters of first samuel, were in the middle of the book.
Jul 06, 2016 these meanings are apropos to the actions and demeanor of joab and his brothers. Most conspicuously absent here is any reference to davids sin with bathsheba. Verses 2531 list 12 administrators over davids treasuries, corporate workers of the field, and vast amounts of property. Brilliance and power are selfdestructive without gods guidance. Abner, a commander from the north, met joab and his brother ashael in lands between north and south, and fighting. Amasa appears a little later in the story 2 samuel 1920. So joab who now boldly resumed his former place, and marched in the head of the army.
International standard version absalom had installed amasa in place of joab over the army. Joab s murder of amasa was equally treacherous 2 sam 17. Read the passage nrsv find more resources related to this. Joab, in the old testament 2 samuel, a jewish military commander under king david, who was his mother s brother. However, when a man reported that absalom had been found alive and caught in a tree, joab and his men killed him 2 samuel 18. Story of joab, one of the bibles scoundrels redlands daily facts. Hannah, joab, mother of israel, sheba, wise women 5 comments on peaceable, faithful, even a mother. Joab and the sons of zeruiah bible study with randy. This division was followed by the latin versions and made its appearance in the hebrew text in daniel bombergs first edition a. Originally there was only one book of samuel, but the lxx divided it into two. He planned to destroy the entire city of abel to capture the man he was.
The two books, which were originally one, are principally concerned with the origin and early history of the monarchy of ancient israel. Joab was furious and pursued abner to kill him, but abner escaped 2 samuel 2. He played a leading part in many of davids victories e. There is no record that his troops ever lost a battle.
These meanings are apropos to the actions and demeanor of joab and his brothers. Nov, 2020 then joab and abishai his brother pursued sheba the son of bichri. Joabs death and the central theme of the succession. You are trying to destroy a city that is a mother in israel.
The history of the covenant people august 29, 2017 1 introduction apart from king david himself, the most prominent figure in the history of the latter days of his reignis without any doubt his armycommander joab, the son of zeruiah, a relative of david. The king said to the troops, i intend to go out with you myself. Joab continued to gain power over david, leading the army into battle and conquering peoples around them. She asked if he was joab and if he would listen to her.
So the victory that day was turned into mourning for all the people, for the people heard that day, the king is grieving for his son. Oct, 2014 todays daily bible reading is from 2 samuel 20. A final contrast that highlights the heinous nature of amasas murder is that he was a blood relative of joab from the house of david, whereas abner belonged to the rival house of saul. Different accounts are given of the origin of the monarchy 1 samuel 9. She then accuses joab of seeking to destroy a city that is a mother in israel. It was told joab, behold, the king is weeping and mourning for absalom. More straightforwardly than the story of the wise woman of tekoa 2 samuel 14. Amasa and his blood brothers in 2 samuel bible study. Nov 09, 2020 samuel made yet another appearance to saulafter samuel had died. A wise woman from the city called out to joab saying she wanted to talk to him.
Then david sent out one third of the people under the hand of joab, one third under the hand of abishai the son of zeruiah, joab s brother, and one third under the hand of ittai the gittite. The book starts with the miracolous birth of samuel in answer to his mother s prayer. Zeruiah was davids half sister, so joab was a nephew of the king, related by blood. And israel and absalom encamped in the land of gilead. According to the hebrew bible she was the mother of samuel. Absalom had appointed amasa over the army in place. If only i had died instead of you, absalom, my son, my son. And it came to pass, when david was come to mahanaim, that shobi the son of nahash of rabbah of the children of ammon, and machir the son of ammiel of lodebar. The king followed joab s advice to make a public appearance to encourage his troops 2 samuel 19.
Then joab and abishai his brother pursued sheba the son of bichri. The account was considered one book in the earliest hebrew manuscripts, but was divided into two books when the translation of the book into greek occurred. Hearing of davids grief over the reported death of absalom, joab confronted and admonished david. The books are named after samuel, the outstanding figure of the early section.
Joab fought and won many battles for the king, but his personal lack of selfcontrol was problematic. But joab objects to the command and asks david why he wants the census taken 2 samuel. Books of samuel, two old testament books that, along with deuteronomy, joshua, judges, and 1 and 2 kings, belong to the tradition of deuteronomic history first committed to writing about 550 bc, during the babylonian exile. Year after year this man went up from his town to worship and sacrifice to. Adonijah was born at hebron during the long conflict between david and the house of saul. King david is provoked to number israel and commands his captain, joab to. This affair and betrayal of uriah the hittite took place at the time that joab led out the army and ravaged the country of the ammonites and came and besieged rabbah 1 chronicles 20. Reference to a city as mother indicates its preeminent position among a cluster of smaller towns.
Jul 07, 2010 when these two men met, instead of greeting abner in peace as david had done, joab stabbed him in the belly. At times he also served as davids adviser and gave him counsel, often unsolicited. Joab character study bible study lesson on the life of joab. The sword shall never depart from thine house, the prophet nathan told him, because thou hast. The king said to joab the commander of the army who was with him, go about now through all the tribes of israel, from dan to beersheba, and register the people, that i may know the number of the people. The birth of samuel there was a certain man from ramathaim, a zuphite from the hill country of ephraim, whose name was elkanah son of jeroham, the son of elihu, the son of tohu, the son of zuph, an ephraimite. Amasa was the son of a man named jether the ishmaelite. There are numerous parallels, repetitions, and discrepancies within the books of samuel. Amasa was the son of a man named jether, an israelite who had married abigail, the daughter of nahash and sister of zeruiah the mother of joab 2 samuel 17. Jul 14, 2020 the book of 2 samuel refers to abigail as the daughter of nahash.
Joab, however, seeks revenge for his brothers earlier. Joab sends a wise woman to david joab son of zeruiah knew that king david missed absalom very much. Only god can give us the guidance and direction we need. He told her he was joab and he would hear her plea. His mother was abigail, a daughter of nahash and a sister of zeruiah, joab s mother. The lords wrath over the census that joab ended up not finishing 2 samuel 24. Amasa was the son of jether, an ishmaelite who had married abigail, the daughter of nahash and sister of zeruiah the mother of joab. Joab, in the old testament 2 samuel, a jewish military commander under king david, who was his mothers brother. Joab proved to be a greatest leader of these three and was the commander of davids army throughout most of davids reign. But joab was a ruthless man who didnt hesitate to murder anyone who got in his way.
That is why god has made his word, the bible, available to us. The second book of samuel and it came to pass after the death of saul, when david was returned from the slaughter of the amalekites, and david had abode two days in ziklag. We all desire to love god and obey his commandments, but we fall into sin, over and over. Story of joab, one of the bibles scoundrels redlands. Most of the events of these two chapters are contained in chapters 1011 of 2 samuel, but there are some differences. Samuel made yet another appearance to saulafter samuel had died. She then accuses joab of seeking to destroy a city that is a mother in israel and demands why he would swallow up the heritage of the lord 20. Joab, the great military leader, had two brothers who were also famous soldiers. Jan 02, 2020 joab fought and won many battles for the king, but his personal lack of selfcontrol was problematic. This division was followed by the latin versions and made its appearance in the hebrew text. Amasa and his blood brothers in 2 samuel bible study with. Story of joab, one of the bibles scoundrels redlands daily. Joab was jealous of amasa, and absalom made amasa captain of the army instead of joab.
Absalom had appointed amasa over the army in place of joab. In despair, we realize we cannot save ourselves through our futile attempts at perfect obedience. Joab, flourished bc, in the old testament 2 samuel, a jewish military commander under king david, who was his mother s brother. It is not strange, that amasas soldiers did not fight to revenge his death. The book of proverbs gives us an important indication of the mothers. Joab was such a vicious opponent, that the edomite leader, hadad, took refuge in egypt until he knew joab was dead 1 kings 11. Jan 29, 2020 men fighting over and oppressingcontinue reading peaceable, faithful, even a mother posted by valerie hobbs january 29, 2020 january 29, 2020 posted in 1 samuel, 1 timothy, 2 samuel, titus tags. In our english bible, it is divided into two books, first and second samuel. The book of samuel forms part of the narrative history of israel in the neviim or prophets section of the hebrew bibleold testament called the deuteronomistic history, a series of books joshua, judges, samuel, and kings that constitute a theological history of the israelites and that aim to explain gods law for israel under the guidance of the prophets. Samuel is the story of samuel the prophet, the rise and fall of king saul, and the reign of king david. Joab was the son of zeruiah, a sister of king david 1 chronicles 2. This amasa was the son of a man whose name was jithra, an israelite, who had gone in to abigail the daughter of nahash, sister of zeruiah, joab s mother 2 samuel 17. Abner convinces the other tribes to recognize davids claim to the throne.
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